Welcome Note




今天早上,在会后,恩慈传道特别为有需要的弟兄姐妹作服 事。我非常的蒙福,因为我是第一位上台前去接受恩慈传道的服事。我在上个星期因为 参加荣耀神事工所举办的 ”羔羊战士,活出新妇呼召启示性特会” 的最后一个晚上的海鲜筵席。我因为吃了太多的虾等海鲜,导致我的膝盖关节非常的疼痛,疼痛到无法弯下膝盖。那时,我就叫恩慈传道帮我做先知性医治 【prophetic healing】。在服事完之后,非常感谢主,膝盖已经没有像之前那样的疼痛,可是还是会有一些轻微的不舒服,一直到今晚的小组,那膝盖的疼痛已经完全消 失了,感谢主,将一切的荣耀归给主!


Healing Testimony 28-08-2011

This is sister Kui Huong's healing testimony.

Last week, I attended the warrior bride conference organized by Christian Devotees Glory Gates Ministry Association, and during the last night seafood feast, because I ate too much seafood ,which caused my knee began to ache and caused pain. This pain also causes me unable to squat down and has caused many inconvenience for me. This morning, after service, Pastor Joyce asked if there is any brothers or sisters needed prayers. I was the first volunteered . I told Pastor Joyce my problem and she helped me do "prophetic healing". After the prophetic healing, i can still feel a bit of pain, until tonight during the adults cell group, the pain on my knee has completely gone. Hallelujah, and may Glory be given unto God !

Isaiah 53 : 5But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

先知启示见证: 28-08-2011




Vision sharing testimony 28-08-2011

This is Pastor Joyce's sharing about her vision. during adults cell group.

Tonight's adult cell group has a very strong flow of anointing . During the worship, I can feel there is ultimate joy in my spirit. After singing around 5 songs, i saw a vision . I saw a stage made of gold, there are angels worshiping and singing. I kept seeing this vision till the last song, I saw a few angels were waving different color banners and they are worshiping with us. I wish to share with everyone of us my vision as an encouragement to have a deeper desire for spiritual gifts and vision. May God bless you !

Revelation 5 : 11-12
Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.In a loud voice they were saying: “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”